Get Out
The greenroom wants you! There are tons of opportunities to join the movement! From being part of the creative team to helping with hospitality to serving the poor and forgotten, there is a place where God can use you to help others grow closer to Him. Please let us know how God might be moving in your heart to serve others here at the greenroom. We'll help you find a place that fits you perfectly. It may be the best move you ever make.
We continue to 'Get Out' as we partner with these organizations...
Caring for the homeless of Washtenaw County.
Live Dead is committed to taking the church where it does not exist. Live Dead’s strategy to execute this vision is to plant churches among unreached people groups through multi-national teams.
A nonprofit organization dedicated to serving the state of Michigan in a new and refreshing way, by utilizing a mobile food truck to bring 100% free freshly prepared meals to our neighbors.
A subsidiary of The Torch, 180 offers extensive food service training, soft skills training, hands on cooking, basic knife skills, as well as training in all service areas of a restaurant for individuals with documented disabilities.